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Xperia X10 2.3.3 (진저브레드) 업그레이드. 본문
2.1이후로 계획이 없다던 SE가..... 아오 씬나~
저는 이 블로그를 1년반정도 운영해왔습니다. 많은 대화와 토론이 있었고, 그 중에서도 최근 가장 치열하게 나눈 얘기는 XperiaTM X10의 안드로이드 업그레이드 관련한 것이었습니다. 우리는 일찍이 XperiaTM X10의 2.1 Eclair 이후의 업그레이드는 더이상 없을 것이라고 했고, 지금까지 그것은 사실이었습니다.
하지만, 이제 이것이 변했음을 독자들에게 전하게 되어 너무 기쁩니다. 우리는 XperiaTM X10 안드로이드 진저브레드로 올해 2분기 말에서 3분기초에 업그레이드를 실시할 계획입니다. 그동안 우리는 고객 여러분의 소리를 모두 들어왔지만, 이러한 업그레이드에 관해 확인해줄수는 없었습니다. 2011년 우리의 새로운 제품들인 XperiaTM PLAY, XperiaTM arc and XperiaTM neo가 XperiaTM X10에 진저브레드를 올리는 이 특별한 작업을 가능하게 하였습니다.
저는 이 소식이 여러분께 굉장히 좋은 소식일 것이라 생각하고, 또한 이것과 관련한 많은 궁금증이 있을것이라 생각합니다.
그래서 제 스스로 나름 생각해본 질문들에 관한 답변을 적어봤습니다. 더 자세한 내용은 발표가 다가올 때 알려드릴 것이지만, 만약 제가 놓친 질문이 있다면 알려주십시오. 최선을 다해 답해드릴것입니다.
왜 이러한 업그레이드를 하는가?
우리는 우리 고객들의 의견을 들어왔다. 게다가 2011년 Xperia폰의 소프트웨어 개발팀이 우리에게 XperiaTM X10에 진져브레드로 업그레이드가 가능하다고 알려줬다.
언제 업그레이드를 받아볼 수 있는가?
우선 계획은 올해 2분기말에서 3분기초로 예상하고 있다. 오늘 XperiaTMX10은 제너릭버젼과 개발자용 버젼 모두 마켓에서 이용가능하다. 이 특별한 프로젝트를 위해 이용가능한 인력과 자원의 문제로 일반 제너릭버젼으로의 업그레이드에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 우선 커스터마이즈된 버젼에 대해서는 나중에 더 정보가 있으면 다시 알려주겠다. 그러나 우리는 업그레이드를 못할 것이라고 벌써 확정짓고 싶지는 않다.
이번 업그레이드는 어떤것이고, 2.1버젼과 무엇이 다른가?
우리는 XperiaTMX10를 2011년 새로운 라인업의 Xperia 스마트폰과 기능적으로나 소프트웨어적으로 비슷하게 가져올 계획을 하고 있다. 우리의 목표는 진저브레드 플랫폼의 기능적인 장점을 제공할 뿐만 아니라 소니에릭슨의 특별한 UX와 기능들을 제공하는 것이다. 최종 목표는 아직 진행중에 있지만 우리는 2분기말에서 3분기 초 업그레이드 발표가 다가오게 되면 더 많은 소식을 전할 수 있을 것이다.
이번 업그레이드로 인해 이전 버전에서 사용하던 기능이 사라지는 것이 있나?
있다. 우선 작업중에 있어 자세한 것은 나중에 발표할 때 더 알 수 있겠지만, 우선 현재로선 다음과 같은 제한이 있을 것으로 생각된다.
- 현재 계획은 XperiaTMX10에 안드로이드 기본 카메라의 인터페이스를 가져오는 것이고, 그에 따라 얼굴인식이나 스마일셔터 등의 기능은 없어질 것이다.
- Moxier는 진저브레드 기존 EAS 기능으로 대체될 것이다.
- 미디어스케이프는 2011 새로운 라인업에 탑재된 것과 마찬가지로 위젯으로만 제공될 것이다. (media experience widgets and music player)
- 폰 내에 컨텐츠를 보호하기 위한 DRM 키는 업그레이드를 하면서 없어질 것이다.
- Sony Ericsson Backup and Restore는 진저브레드를 지원하지 않아 없어질 것이다.
- XperiaTMX10의 2.1 최신버젼과 비교해서 쌍방향 언어지원은 줄어들 것이다.
I have been working with this blog for almost 1 ½ years. After lots of interaction and discussion, by far the most intense discussions lately were around XperiaTM X10 Android upgrades. We earlier stated that we did not have plans for further upgrade of the XperiaTM X10 beyond Android 2.1 Eclair, which was correct at the time.
However, I am happy to inform you that this has changed. We plan to bring an upgrade to Android Gingerbread for the XperiaTM X10 to generic trade kits end Q2 / early Q3 this year. We have heard your requests all along but until today have not been able to confirm this. The great work on our 2011 products XperiaTM PLAY, XperiaTM arc and XperiaTM neo actually has enabled us to start the work in a special project bringing Gingerbread to the XperiaTM X10.
I believe this is good news to many of you out there and I am sure you have many questions around this. I’ve tried to list answers to the ones that came to my mind below. More details will come closer to launch but let me know in the comments section if I missed any questions. I’ll do my very best to find out and follow-up!
Why are you doing this upgrade?
We have listened to our consumers. In addition, the development of the software for our new 2011 range of Xperia phones gave us a solution that made it possible to deliver Gingerbread on XperiaTM X10.
When will the upgrade be available for me?
The roll-out is planned to start end Q2/early Q3 this year. Today, XperiaTMX10 is available in the market both in generic trade version and in versions customized for operators. Due to the resources available in this special project, we will focus on delivering trade versions of the software. Regarding possible customized operators kit we will have to get back with more information on this at a later stage. But we want to be very clear already at this stage on the fact that some of you may not get this upgrade.
What are the components of this upgrade and what are the major differences from the 2.1 version of XperiaTM X10?
In short, we plan to bring similar software and functionality to XperiaTM X10 as we have in our new 2011 Xperia smartphones. Our ambition is to provide the majority of functionality of the Gingerbread platform, as well as the Sony Ericsson specific User Experience and features. The final scope of the software is still a work in progress. We will get back with more details closer to launch in end Q2 / early Q3 this year.
Will any functionality from the previous software version disappear by doing this upgrade?
Yes – the work is still ongoing so details will be communicated closer to launch but these are the current expected limitations:
- The current plan is that the XperiaTM X10 will get the Android standard Camera user interface and therefore features like e.g. face recognition, smile shutter etc will be lost.
- Moxier is replaced by the gingerbread native EAS functionality.
- Mediascape is being replaced by the media experience widgets and music player included in our new 2011 products.
- DRM keys for protected content on your phone will be lost in the upgrade process.
- The Sony Ericsson Backup and Restore client is not supported in the Gingerbread version and will therefore be lost.
- Support for bi-directional languages will be reduced compared to the latest version of the 2.1 version of the XperiaTM X10.
What are the major differences between 2.3 on XperiaTM X10 and 2.3 on your 2011 range, for example Xperia arc?
In short, the intention is that the Xperia X10 will receive similar software and functionality that we have in our new 2011 Xperia smartphones. The current ambition is to provide the majority of functionality of the Gingerbread platform, as well as the Sony Ericsson specific UI and features that are not restricted by hardware limitations (for example no HDMI out). The final scope of the software is still work in progress but we are working to minimize the differences. We will get back with more details closer to launch.
How do I get this upgrade?
The upgrade will only be available through our PC-based upgrade clients. I.e. it cannot be done over the air.
Can I go back to the 2.1 version if I am not happy with the upgrade?
No – our upgrade solutions do not support downgrading.
Will I lose any content or settings by doing the upgrade?
Yes – All your personal content and settings stored in the phone will be lost in the process. You will have to make sure that you have stored your information somewhere else. Note that the Sony Ericsson Backup and Restore client will not be included in the Gingerbread version, therefore we recommend using a 3rd party backup application if you don’t have your data stored in other places than your phone. Content stored on your memory card is not affected by the upgrade, except DRM protected content since keys will be lost.
Why have you stated before that the 2.1 version would be the final upgrade to the XperiaTM X10?
We didn’t plan to upgrade XperiaTM X10 beyond Android version 2.1 and our communication reflected this. However, that plan changed but we didn’t want to communicate this until we were sure that we would be able to deliver a good user experience with Gingerbread on XperiaTM X10.
Why didn’t you inform about this upgrade until now?
As a company we strive to be as open as possible in channels such as this product blog. We have been focusing on delivering our 2011 Xperia products on the latest Android platform for smartphones. In parallel we have investigated what of those efforts could be re-used for an upgrade of the Xperia X10. Our ambition all along has been to inform about this as soon as we concluded that we could deliver a good user experience with Gingerbread on XperiaTM X10, which we now feel confident we can do.
Why did you bypass the 2.2 upgrade?
Our focus has been on Gingerbread. The work we have been doing on Gingerbread for our products launching in 2011 has given us a solution that made it possible to deliver Gingerbread on XperiaTM X10.
Will you upgrade the XperiaTM X10 mini, mini pro and XperiaTM X8 to 2.3?
No, we have no such plans. We have had to prioritize our resources and have therefore focused on delivering the upgrade to XperiaTM X10.
Will you continue to upgrade XperiaTM X10 beyond Gingerbread 2.3?
Is the upgrade based on Android version 2.3.2 or 2.3.3?
The XperiaTM X10 Gingerbread release will be released on Android 2.3.3
What about upgrades for your new phones like Xperia PLAY, arc, neo and pro. Will users be able to upgrade to newer versions of Android when they become available?
The XperiaTM PLAY, arc, neo and pro are launched on the latest version of Android for smartphones (Gingerbread 2.3) and we plan to upgrade these to the next version of Android (beyond 2.3) available to us, subject to the Google/Android roadmap. And even if it is too early to give detailed comments around later Android upgrades for future products, the changes we have made to our way of working with Android puts us in a good position to provide Android upgrades in a timely manner.
출처: http://blogs.sonyericsson.com/products/
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